Dive into a selection of Podcasts and articles featuring Nanna Hauch

Dive into a selection of Podcasts and articles featuring Nanna Hauch ⋆

In an article from 2022 about growing up as a Third Culture Kid I say:

"If parents cannot accommodate the children's reactions and develop an understanding of why the relocations and the globally mobile lifestyle may not be the children's first choice, Third Culture Kids and Adult Third Culture Kids may encounter obstacles later in life," she says and describes an approach she often encounters in her practice:

"The child asks why the family has to move when she has just found her very best friend. The parents respond: 'Listen here. It's going to be so cool. You'll learn fluent English and gain an international network.' The child's reaction will naturally be: 'Screw you. You've still ruined my life!'"

And it's partly about the parents' insecurity.

"The children are not allowed to own their history because many parents feel fear, shame, and uncertainty about the choices they have made for the family. It's a big taboo that needs to be brought to light," she says, continuing:

"It's about providing support with understanding and thoughtfulness."

You can read the whole article about growing up as a Third Culture Kid here

3 tips for a smooth expatriation

In an article from 2021 on the netmedia Kongressen Expat Hero was asked to give tips for a smooth transition

Life as an expat is a magnifying glass on the good and the bad.

When we at Expat Hero work with globally mobile couples and families, I usually say to them that what they experience in their posting of frustration, pressure, confusion, uncertainty, grief, etc. is not fundamentally different from what we as humans experience throughout life.

However, when we live as expats, it's like putting a magnifying glass over life. Everything becomes a bit clearer - and a bit bigger. And it can feel overwhelming when it comes to intense emotions.

At the same time, it offers a unique opportunity to explore one's own inner map and turn challenges into strengths, so that one stands stronger in oneself. You have become an Expat Hero.”

You can read the whole article about on the Danish online media Kongressen here


Expat life sometimes involves leading familylife abroad with one partner travelling, or even temporarily living on a different location. That leaves families scattered around the Globe as Satelites on the sky.

Rhoda Bangerter interviewed me for her Podcast “Holding The Fort Abroad” about how unlocking the Expat Hero within you can empower you when living as a Split Family - or as Satelites scattered in the name of Global Mobility.

If this episode inspires you please leave a comment or share it in your network for more expats to benefit.

You can listen to a short “bite” of the episode in the link below or find the full episode here